Join our Team
Jobs and Business Glasgow (JBG is fine) is probably the biggest provider of employment and training advice and support in the city. And we’re pretty successful at it, even if we do say so ourselves.
In this last year as our City recovers from the impact of the Covid pandemic, we have worked with more than 2,700 of Glasgow’s finest upstanding citizens to help them find work, access training, sometimes just being a friendly face and voice in the lonely days following lockdowns.
We’re proud of what we do but we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to support even more people.
So that’s enough about us, we want to know a bit about you. How have you been affected by the pandemic? Maybe you’re unemployed, lost your job because of the pandemic, working on the dreaded “zero-hours” contract with no regular hours on offer? Do you have experience of delivering fabulous customer service, are you always determined to go the extra mile, do you like the sound of us and what we do?
If so, read on…….
Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable Service are responsible for; the payment of clothing grants and free school meals, processing Blue Badge applications, overseeing Education Maintenance Allowance and Early Years invoicing.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to support a variety of processes. Full training on these processes and the computer systems used will be provided. This includes Seemis, SAP, Northgate, Pulse and Outlook training.
Once fully trained an element of home working will be introduced.
So, what do you think? If you like the sound of this, don’t hang about, have a look at the job description, download the application form and get it back to us before 12 noon on Friday 21st October 2022 telling us why you’re exactly what we’re looking for. Oh, and one last thing, you must live in the wonderful city of Glasgow. The clue’s in our name…!
However it goes, best of luck.
The finer details
We are recruiting exciting, fixed term supported employment opportunities for city residents who are actively looking for work.
Successful applicants will be offered a paid work placement, 35 hours per week, paying £9.90 per hour, until 31st March 2023, earning a weekly wage, holiday entitlement and other employee benefits.
A bank account or credit union account (in employees name) is required to receive wages.
Job Requirements:
The ideal candidate will demonstrate a flair for numbers, accuracy and can deal with assigned tasks and have experience within the following: –
- Demonstrating a track record in a previous office environment.
- Dealing with high volume enquiries
- Working to agreed deadlines
- A high degree of data entry accuracy, interpersonal and communications skills with the ability to deliver an exceptional and professional service.
How to Apply:
Existing JBG customers please contact your JBG Adviser to register your interest in this opportunity.
New customers must be registered with JBG. To book a Registration Appointment please call our Customer Service Team on: Freephone 0300 123 2898 quoting your interest in the ILM Accounts Receivable opportunity.
Please note, you are also required to provide proof of address and proof of current benefit (where applicable).
Download the application form and job description below, once completed please return to
Customer First Job Description
Application form
Dates for your diary:
- Application closing date: 12 noon on Fri 21st Oct 2022
- Job interviews*: Scheduled week beginning Mon 24th Oct 2022
- Job start date: Mon 31st Oct 2022
- Job Location: Glasgow City Centre
*Please note interviews will be conducted via video call.