Integrate Our Services

We value and respect the specialised expertise of our partners. That’s why we offer our employability support as a simple, customisable “bolt-on” solution that integrates effortlessly with your existing services. This approach allows you to enhance your offerings without added complexity.

How It Works:

  1. Seamlessly Add Our Services: Easily incorporate our employability support into your services. When your customers need specialised assistance, refer them to us as a straightforward extension of your work.
  2. Tailored Expert Support: Our team delivers focused, expert guidance tailored to your customers’ needs, ensuring they receive the precise help they require.
  3. Smooth Transition: After completing our employability support, we return your customers to you with valuable feedback on their progress, ensuring a cohesive and informed follow-up.

By integrating our bolt-on services, we collaborate to provide a comprehensive support network. This ensures that, regardless of where your customers start, they benefit from a seamless, holistic range of services through our combined efforts.

Benefits for you:

• Enhanced customer value: You’ll be seen as a comprehensive solution provider, addressing a wider range of customer needs.

• Streamlined service delivery: No need for you to manage employability needs internally.

• Reduced costs: Offer your customers employability support without the overhead of managing an additional in-house programme.

Benefits for your customers:

• Fast, effective support: Customers receive timely and relevant employability advice, minimising disruption.

• No more dead ends: Customers no longer need to struggle to find the right help in a confusing network of resources. Our integration will make this much simpler.

• Improved customers outcomes: Customers gain the skills and confidence they need to succeed.

Ready to Enhance Your Offerings?

Discover how our bolt-on employability support can seamlessly integrate with your services and provide greater value to your customers. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities and start benefiting from our expert support. Reach out to us at or call 0300 123 2898 to get started.