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To take advantage of current employment opportunities in the UK supply chain, we’re assisting Glasgow residents to secure their HGV licences.
Facing redundancy can be an extremely difficult time. Our dedicated PACE PLUS Redundancy staff can assist with sourcing alternative career paths.
The care industry is facing recruitment problems. We offer Glasgow residents training and job opportunities to start their career in the care sector.
If you’re looking for a new job or thinking about switching careers, we can help you to identify your experience and transferable skills.
Jobs & Business Glasgow are supporting the young people in Glasgow to secure Step Up Glasgow positions and to move into employment.
If you’ve been made redundant or are facing redundancy, Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) can help.
We are proudly part of the Scottish Government’s newly launched initiative, Young Person’s Guarantee, supporting those aged 16 to 24.
Job fair taking place for those aged 16 to 24, receiving Universal Credit, on Monday 20th Sep, at Hilton Garden Grosvenor Hotel.